Chime is a serious, big ,and growing Company with over 300.000 Hundred Thousand Reviews, that really cares about its customers, they do the best offers thinking in you.
Chime Credit Builder is an Amazing Opportunity for you that want to have a deserved and lovely Credit Card to do whatever you want to do, with Chime Credit Builder, you will be extremely valorized and get what you Deserve, a Good and Fast Growing Credit with no Taxes.
Forget those big companies that don’t give you good support, forget that company that doesn’t give you credit, forget that company that has lots of taxes, Chime is one of the highest rank Apps in The entire financial category, There are Better Things for you.
Start being valorized by being who you are, by Your Actions, by Your Buys, Imagine every buy that you do, giving you more and more credit Score.
Now I have an irrecusable offer for you, what do you think about build your credit score without any fees, without monthly fees, without overdraft fees, without annual fees.
Chime Credit Builder, Gives You the Power to build your credit score as fast as you want, it’s like a super financial power, many people around the world have this dream, but you have the power in your hands, you only need to make the choice, the action ,and The Power is Yours.
Some Benefits You Will Have
Having a Chime Card is a Real Big Deal it’s not only gives you the Credit Builder Super Power but Tons of Others Advantages Here are Some of These Advantages
- Easy Approbation (Even if You Don’t Have a Good Score)
- Free Interest on All Your Purchases
- No Minimum Deposits (You Are Free to Start with How Much You Want)
- Make Payments For Free, 100% Free to Anyone Whatever Bank Account They Use.
- No Overdraf (up to U$200)
Chime is One of The Biggest Fintech in The World, that Offers Awesomes Services and Benefits to Their Customers.
Two of the main services that Chime offer are a Bank Account with no Fees, and a Credit Card with the Power to Build You a Better Credit Score, Extremely Faster, Than any Other Common Way, Being Cheaper (Free), and Without All the Bureaucracies that Slow Down All Your Credit Score Grow Process.
Chime Offers You Many Benefits and There Are Many More Coming, I Will Explain How Thet Work.
Chime’s Biggest New is The Credit Card Score Builder, That Gives You the Real Possibility to Have a Fast Credit Score Increase in Less Time.
How Does it Work?
The Chime Credit Card is a charge card, that works as a Credit Card, the money you move into the Credit Builder secured account is the Credit will You have to spend on your card.
Soon as you created your own credit depositing into your account, now every time you purchase anything using the Credit Card Builder, even U$1, your will make you score grow.
To Grow Your Score is Simple you only need to be on time with your payments, and chime you report it to the main financials that control your score numbers and make it goes to the moon, your chime account has a feature that makes it a lot easier.
The Safer Credit Building feature gives you tranquility, it’s pay automatically your debits on Your Chime Card when turned on ensuring that anything will be in the best condition, and paying your debts on time for you using the money you moved to the Credit Builder.
How secure is a Chime credit card?
Being a Charge Card it’s the most secure as possible since Chime Credit Card Builder requires a security deposit that generates an equal amount in credit.
Giving you full control of your expenses, so you can take better decisions on how much you can or not spend according to your needs and the deposit made.
How to get Your Chime Credit Builder Card
To make your credit card application as quick and smooth as possible, have all information needed in your hands.
This information varies from institution to institution, but in general, you will need the infomation and must be able to prove them.
Required Information:
- Full Legal Name
- Social Security Number or any Equivalent Document
- A Full and Valid Address
- Annual Income
- Living Costs
Some Institutions may request some additional information, such as if you own properties, your current employment, your primary source of income, if you own or rent the house you live in, and your assets.
- First Step : Fulfill Your Legal Name.
- Second Step : Complete a Captcha to Guarantee Your Security.
- Third Step : Provide Your Phone Number.
- Fourth Step : Provide Your Full Address.
- Fifth Step : Add Your Date of Birth.
- Sixth Step : Inform Your Social Security Number.
At all, it won’t take you more than 10 minutes to have your account set up and ready, After That Your Card Should be mailed in 72 Hours.
It is extremely important that you provide all your Information correcttly, so you avoid unnecessary problems in the future.