If you want or need to start investing, but you still don’t have large amounts of money to do so or just don’t know how to start and that’s making you keep procrastinating, it’s time to give it a go.
Check out everything you need to know to start investing wisely with just $20,000.
Best Ways To Invest $20k in 2022
1. High-Yield Savings Accounts

Despite the name, high yield savings accounts offer a low rate of return, but they are still superior to other savings accounts on the market and guarantee the safety of your money. So, it is a great option to create your emergency fund and leave your money yielding.
2. Real estate crowdfunding
Investing in real estate is considered by big investors to be an excellent option. However, it is suitable for those people who are willing to take a little more risk.
There are specific websites and apps for this that can help you in this task and help you better understand how this type of investment works, charging only small fees, in addition to being easy to use.
3. Certificate of Deposit
The CD is one of the safest investments you can make and that’s why it’s the first choice of many people looking for a low-risk investment. You keep your money for a predetermined period – which can go from 1 to 5 years – and accumulate interest over that period.
It is important to know that if you want to withdraw your money before the period ends, you will be penalized, so you need to be patient for this type of investment.
4. Money Market Accounts
Known to be very boring, but also pretty safe and stable, a money market account is always a good option for low risk investors.
So, if you are interested in this type of investment, check with the bank you usually go to if they offer this investment option.
5. Invest With a Financial Advisor

If you are insecure about finding an appropriate investment for your money on your own, the best way to deal with it is to find a financial advisor to help you with this mission.
In addition to explaining the different types of investment, the advantages and disadvantages of each one, he will outline an efficient investment strategy for you to achieve your goals and make your money work.
But an important tip is to find a good and reliable financial advisor, because many of them end up taking advantage of the client just to make more money. So, be aware!
In addition to hiring someone you trust, research and study about the different types of investments before delivering your $20,000 in anyone’s hand. Having a knowledge base will help you identify if the person you hire is really concerned about your money and trying to help you.
Finally, run from sensationalist ads and unbelievable promises, as they are probably scams. Investing takes time and patience and if you’re not up for it, it’s best not to start.
If you need more help on how to invest $20,000, count on us to answer all your questions and make you feel a little more safe.