The Total Visa Credit Card

verything You Need to Know About This Credit Card

If you have a bad or non-existent credit history and therefore don’t qualify for the credit card you wanted, don’t worry! Total Visa is an excellent option that doesn’t require a perfect track record or deposit large amounts as a security guarantee.

See more about this credit card and find out if it’s the best option for you!

Total Visa Card details

Made to help people with low credit scores or no scores at all, this credit card allows its users to start handling credit safely and responsibly.

Also, it doesn’t require a security deposit to be made when applying for this credit card, which is great for people who don’t spend that money right now. Thus, it becomes the ideal tool for people to build a solid and healthy credit score.

Total Visa allows you to qualify with a credit limit of up to $300, without having to make the security deposit, commonly found on credit cards for people with low scores or bad histories.

All credit card activity is reported to the top three US agencies, hence the importance of keeping your payment on time.

After filling out the online form and submitting your application, you have your answer in about 60 seconds and, if approved, you will receive your new Total Visa Card in a few days, so you can start enjoying its benefits.

It is worth mentioning that the chances of you being approved are very high, as it does not require a good score for approval.

Learn more about Total Visa Card

If you don’t want a secure credit card option, the Total Visa Card may be the option you’re looking for.

The Total Visa card stands out among its competitors for not requiring you to make a security deposit to start using it, and while some cards only report their activity to one or two agencies, the Total Visa Card reports to the top three in the country, helping to increase your score.

The Total Visa Card is also free of cash advance fees for the first year of use. You only need to pay a fee to withdraw money from an ATM or bank.

Other Benefits of the Card

Main benefits of the Total Visa Credit Card:

  • Doesn’t require a security deposit to start using it.
  • Manage and automate monthly payments.
  • Large acceptance at US merchants and online, anywhere that accepts Visa.
  • Reports monthly to the three main credit agencies in the US: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax
  • TransUnion free credit monitoring.
  • Choose your own card design, according to your preferences.
  • $300 credit limit.
  • Car Rental Insurance.
  • Zero Fraud Liability.

Is this card for you?

As stated earlier, the Total Visa Credit Card is ideal for people who have a bad credit score and want to improve their score safely, without the need to make a security deposit.

So, if you don’t mind paying the annuity and you already have a current one, you can apply for your credit card. No security deposit is required. See how to apply for your next.

How to apply for the Total Visa Card?

To apply for your Total Visa Credit Card, all you need to do is access the card’s website and fill in the entire form available and then submit it with your personal information.

This credit card certainly has the necessary features to allow you to strengthen your credit and build a good score, and you can enjoy even better benefits.

Access the bank’s link to apply for the Total Visa Credit Card and wait for the bank’s response. If everything goes as expected, your credit card will be sent and you can start using all its benefits.

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Written By

Peter Campbell

Peter Campbell is a seasoned finance writer, known for concise and informative articles on personal finance, investing, and wealth management. With expertise in simplifying complex topics, Peter empowers readers to make informed financial decisions. Trusted by many, Peter's articles have gained recognition for their practicality and clarity.