Community First Low Rate Pink Visa is a very simple credit card, so you don’t have to worry about hidden fees or other issues with their services. So if you’re just looking for a credit card to make your everyday purchase without worrying about high fees, consider getting yours.
After finalizing the offer for the first six months, you will still have a very competitive rate, without hurting your monthly costs. This is because this credit card aims to guarantee its users low cost and allow them to make purchases more easily.
If you’ve ever had a bad experience with credit card balances and ended up losing control, Pink Visa has low balance transfer fees and all of its core services might be the ideal option for you.
All the benefits mentioned above are not common to be found in a single credit card, that’s why this card is so attractive. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the payment of balances, as paying late can result in fees and interest, which is not interesting.
VISA LOW ANNUAL FEEKnow more about the initial offer for Community First Low Rate Pink Visa
In addition to an introductory offer of 0% interest rate for the first six months, the Community First Low Rate Pink Visa offers, after this initial period, an 8.99% purchase and balance transfer fee. This number is low when compared to credit cards known for having lower rates.
The reason the institution is able to maintain such low fees is that the Community First Credit Union is a mutual organization, which means that the company has its members as a priority. In this way, everyone who hires Community First services becomes, to some extent, a business owner. All this makes them able to keep rates so low.
In an attempt to keep the cost of the card low, the company also receives lower profits, in return, it allows you to make purchases in installments and maintain your balance. Most financial institutions owe dividends to their shareholders, while at Community First profits are reinvested in the community.
This also explains the fact that the company owns credit cards in the annuity is partially reverted to charity for institutions, as is what happens with the Low Rate Pink Credit Card.
How can you help the McGrath Foundation with the Low Rate Pink Card?
The McGrath Foundation was founded in 2005 and is a charitable organization that aims to help breast cancer patients in Australia. Over the years, the institution has become one of the most respected in breast cancer work, providing assistance to patients receiving treatment in both the private and public sectors.
Currently, the foundation has helped more than 1000 families and to keep all this work active, corporate and individual donations are made. That’s exactly why Community First Low Rate Pink donates 50% of its entire annual fee to the foundation.
Thus, these donations become tools used to contribute to and fight breast cancer.
Main benefits for this credit card
In addition to helping fight cancer with the McGrath Foundation through annual fee donations, the Low Rate Pink Credit Card has other amazing benefits such as:
- 0% purchase rate for the first six months;
- 8.99% variable purchase rate for purchases, balance transfers and cash advances;
- Up to 1 additional cardholder at no extra cost;
- Free supplementary cards;
- Up to 55 interest-free days for purchases;
Although the credit card does not have a good cashback program, you can save a lot of money with reduced interest and fees.
Rates and fees for Low Rate Pink Credit Card
Knowing the fees charged by the Community First Low Rate Pink Visa before making your decision is very important. That said, see what they are below:
- 3% minimum monthly payment or $20;
- $30 over limit fee;
- 8,99% interest rate;
- Late payment fee of $25;
- $1,5 duplicate statement fee;
- Foreing currency conversion fee 3%.
The Low Rate Pink Card offers very low rates when compared to other credit cards. But, we emphasize the importance of keeping your payment on time and leaving it on automatic debit to avoid late payment fees and reduce your costs as much as possible.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for the Low Rate Pink Credit Card

Step 1: Visit the Official Website
Go to the official website of the Low Rate Pink Credit Card issuer. Look for the “Apply Now” button, typically found on the homepage or in the credit card section.
Step 2: Choose the Low Rate Pink Credit Card
Once you’re on the credit card page, select the Low Rate Pink Credit Card from the list of available cards. Click on the card to view its details and begin the application process.
Step 3: Fill Out the Application Form
You’ll be directed to an application form where you’ll need to provide personal information such as your name, address, date of birth, and Social Security number. You may also need to enter details about your income and employment status.
Step 4: Review Terms and Conditions
Before submitting your application, review the terms and conditions carefully. Pay attention to details like the interest rate (APR), fees, and credit limit. Make sure you understand the costs and benefits associated with the card.
Step 5: Submit the Application
After completing the form and reviewing the terms, click the “Submit” button to send your application for approval.
Step 6: Wait for a Decision
You’ll typically receive an instant decision online. If further review is needed, you may be contacted by the card issuer for additional information. If approved, you’ll receive confirmation and the card will be mailed to you.
Step 7: Activate Your Card
Once the card arrives, follow the instructions provided to activate it. This may involve calling a phone number or logging in to your account online.
Step 8: Start Using Your Card
Once activated, you can begin using your Low Rate Pink Credit Card for purchases, both in-store and online.
By following these steps, you can easily apply for and start using your Low Rate Pink Credit Card!